Browse By Category - Not showing results from all language
KbSearchByUserLocale is available under "setting items" and is set to false so all knowledge article can be search but the "Browse By Category" list doesn't show results from all language - only for the selected portal language!
Is this a bug and does anyone know a workaround for this?
@Mikkel_Madsen - There's not a way to alter the browse behavior like there is for the search behavior. You can raise a feature request though!
Hi @Mikkel_Madsen
This was actually raised to us by a customer in a ticket and this is by design, because if you had a lot of KB's, but lots of the same KB but in different languages, then if it were to show all it would be very cluttered.
So I would also raise a Feature Request for maybe an option to have one or the other, show all lanugages or just local.
@Shane_White and @Justin_Workman what is the idea behind the setting item "KbSearchByUserLocale" if only half of the system use it? 🙄
I don't think i'm getting anywhere with a feature request - can you guide me where to edit the original code to make it language independent?
@Shane_White can you guide me where to edit the original code to make it language independent? :)
Hi @Mikkel_Madsen
Apologies for the delayed response, this is a tricky one as we cannot provide the original code.
I would definitely raise a Feature Request for this, even if that would be for an additional dropdown that allows you to pick a language for the category.
Other than that my suggestion would be to get in touch with consultancy services and see what they can offer/build.
@Shane_White what about forcing it to always search English KB's? Is that possible?
No I do not believe so as it will only search based on language that is set for each user sorry.