Disabled Active Directory Users Available in User Fields
In the user fields, such as Assigned To, we are able to pick users with an Active Directory User account that has been marked disabled (Enabled = FALSE). Is there a way to prevent these User from being available for picking within the portal? I have tried adjusting the UserQuery in Admin Settings but it doesn't appear that there is any status included in the CI$User table.
Best Answer
Shane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
Hi @Nick_Flint
Do you want these disabled users to come in at all? As I would stop the AD connector bringing these accounts in from the get go by altering the AD Connector query! Take a look at this thread:
If you would like them to come through and not show, why is this the case?
Workaround: We move our deactivated AD users in a separete OU that is not included in the scope for "UserQuery".
Hi @Nick_Flint
Do you want these disabled users to come in at all? As I would stop the AD connector bringing these accounts in from the get go by altering the AD Connector query! Take a look at this thread:
If you would like them to come through and not show, why is this the case?
@Shane_White - They were imported when they were active accounts. Then when the user leaves the company the account is disabled in AD and that gets synced over to SCSM. I'll try filtering them at the AD Connector level and see what that does for us.