Tables for SLAs
We have 2 SLAs for Priority 1 Incidents.
1) Timer on Acknowledge
2) Timer on Resolve
I want to write a report to show both of these metrics. It looks like Analytics only has one SLA. I couldn't find the two metrics in the ServiceManagement database and I know they're hidden in the ServiceManager db. Just can't find them.
How do I make this happen?
Best Answer
Shane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
How is this query to start with? I wasn't sure what your end goal was but you can query the Service Manager Database to get all SLO information:
SELECT SLA.[DisplayName] AS [Display Name], SLA.TargetEndDate_4F17E5C2_86D5_05E8_35DE_6E012567DAB7 AS [Target End Date], IR.Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C AS Id
FROM [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$SLA$Instance$TimeInformation] SLA
join Relationship REL
on REL.TargetEntityId = SLA.BaseManagedEntityId
join MTV_System$WorkItem$Incident IR
on REL.SourceEntityId = IR.BaseManagedEntityId
Let me know if it helps.
@Brian_Winter I see columns Created, FirstAssignedDate, FirstResponseDate, ResolvedDate in [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[WorkItem].
These attributes can be found in SM_WorkItem_Incident table in CiresonAnalytics database, too. Don't you want to use these instead of accessing ServiceManager/ServiceManagement databases? CiresonAnalytics is meant for reporting and you can publish Dashboards from it.
I'm actually trying to get the SLA metric (Met, Breached). Since we can "pause" the clock, so to speak, We can't just look at Created Date delta Resolved/FirstResponse/etc. For those Work Items that only have one SLA, Analytics works perfectly. It's those Work Items that have two or more SLAs that isn't fully captured in Analytics.
Hi @Brian_Winter
How is this query to start with? I wasn't sure what your end goal was but you can query the Service Manager Database to get all SLO information:
SELECT SLA.[DisplayName] AS [Display Name], SLA.TargetEndDate_4F17E5C2_86D5_05E8_35DE_6E012567DAB7 AS [Target End Date], IR.Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C AS Id
FROM [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$SLA$Instance$TimeInformation] SLA
join Relationship REL
on REL.TargetEntityId = SLA.BaseManagedEntityId
join MTV_System$WorkItem$Incident IR
on REL.SourceEntityId = IR.BaseManagedEntityId
Let me know if it helps.
That's the query I was looking for! I hate that I can't get that information from Analytics, but it is what it is.