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Exchange Connector will not update Incidents

Harold_HarrisHarold_Harris Customer IT Monkey ✭

Just migrated to SM 2019 the Exchange Connector cannot update existing incidents, creating new incidents works. In the event log I get error message below.

I have tried a different template to use when incidents are updated, I even created a new template, and also tried using the template used when creating new incidents.

Exchange Connector: Unable to process mail item. Subject="RE: A Support Ticket ID [IR165287] Has Been Assigned To You", Error Message=Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: typeProjection

Best Answer

  • Harold_HarrisHarold_Harris Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓

    Deleted the Exchange connector MP and imported again and that resolved the issue.

    Hint: delete the current connectors you have before deleting the MP or you may have "ghost" connectors left behind.


  • James_AtanceJames_Atance Cireson Support Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Hey Harold,

    Have you tried changing the logging level for the connector, to see if any more info is logged int he Event log?

    By default, the Exchange Connector logs only error events into the event log. There are two registry values that you can configure to log additional details. To do that, create the following registry key if it does not already exist:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Service Manager Exchange Connector

    Then, create the following string values:


    You can set the LoggingLevel value to any number from 1 to 7. The higher the number, the more detailed and verbose the logging is. If the value is set to 0 or the value does not exist, then only error events are created in the event log.

  • Harold_HarrisHarold_Harris Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi James,

    Yes I did. The only additional information it provides is about connecting to the mailbox, nothing about the error updating incidents. Strangely it actually makes the other error message not show up.

  • Harold_HarrisHarold_Harris Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓

    Deleted the Exchange connector MP and imported again and that resolved the issue.

    Hint: delete the current connectors you have before deleting the MP or you may have "ghost" connectors left behind.

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