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SMLets Exchange Connector not updating RA's
We have been using the SMLets connector for while and love it. However, over the weekend, it appears that an email move to O365 has broken Approving RA's via email. While the mailbox hasn't changed, emails arrive and get sent for completion, creations, and even RA approvals, the approvals are not processed. That is, the RA's are not updated so the RA doesn't complete and the automation is hung until manually approval via the portal or console is completed.
Does anyone know why the RA's might not be updating?
The log shows that the script finds the RA but nothing updates.
Id : RA124162
Title : Purchase Review Activity
Description : Request Description: Requesting Snag It to be
installed on COHNTWS5703.
Please charge the amount to the account number
I understand that this is a one time charge,
please let me know if this is not correct.
Description: Quote Only: False
What items: SW - SnagIt
How Many: 1
Account: 1001-6101-601432
Approver: Derek Armstrong
Description: Requesting Snag It
to be installed on COHNTWS5703.
Please charge the amount to the account number
I understand that this is a one time charge,
please let me know if this is not correct.
Item: SW - SnagIt
Item Description: Request quote, one-time cost
Item Specs: License is valid for one user on two
Quantity: 1
Account: 1001-6101-601432
ContactMethod :
CreatedDate : 11/19/2019 4:07:18 PM
ScheduledStartDate :
ScheduledEndDate :
ActualStartDate : 11/19/2019 4:09:23 PM
ActualEndDate :
IsDowntime :
IsParent :
ScheduledDowntimeStartDate :
ScheduledDowntimeEndDate :
ActualDowntimeStartDate :
ActualDowntimeEndDate :
RequiredBy :
PlannedCost :
ActualCost :
PlannedWork :
ActualWork :
UserInput :
FirstAssignedDate :
FirstResponseDate :
DisplayName : RA124162: Purchase Review Activity
__InternalId : dfbf7073-68df-870d-c25f-6f6143c507d5
Name : RA124162
Path :
FullName : System.WorkItem.Activity.ReviewActivity:RA124162
ManagementPackClassIds : {bfd90aaa-80dd-0fbb-6eaf-65d92c1d8e36}
LeastDerivedNonAbstractManagementPackClassId : bfd90aaa-80dd-0fbb-6eaf-65d92c1d8e36
TimeAdded : 11/19/2019 4:07:18 PM
LastModifiedBy : 7431e155-3d9e-4724-895e-c03ba951a352
Values : {ApprovalEnum.Percentage, 10, (null), False...}
LastModified : 11/19/2019 8:09:23 AM
IsNew : False
HasChanges : False
ManagementGroup : COH
ManagementGroupId : 3d40e9cb-8f32-87ac-bb9f-fe61adc4b519
GroupsAsDifferentType : False
ViewName : ManagedEntityGenericView
ObjectMode : All
ClassName : System.WorkItem.Activity.ReviewActivity
TypeName : System.WorkItem.Activity.ReviewActivity
********************************** Nothing more to process ******************************************
Windows PowerShell transcript end
End time: 20191119141753
Hey @Jeff_Landers ,
Ever get an answer to this problem? We're having the same issue.
I never saw the original post! 😮
The thing to check here is that the Active Directory PowerShell module is deployed alongside wherever you are running the connector. This is important as the AD Module from Remote System Administration Toolkit (RSAT) enables the connector distinguish users vs. groups
That's the trick! New servers. Installed SMLets but overlooked AD.