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SCSM Internal users (Domain=SM Internal) cannot be used as Affected Users or Send Email

Jacky_GrossJacky_Gross Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭


I created some internal CMDB users (domain SM Internal) with notification email to be used when mentioning or as affected users. It seems like these type of users are excluded from the query in the Portal ... can I include them also so that I don't have to create AD users? Currently only AD domain users are retrievable.

In the console, it works fine.

Best regards.


  • Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello Jacky,

    As per my reply to your ticket:

    You will need to create the users with the Microsoft.AD.User class instead of the System.Domain.User Class, which can be achieved using Powershell.

    But I have written you some PowerShell on how to create the AD Users! All you need to do is changes the properties, FirstName, LastName, UserName, DisplayName and Domain, to what you would like in your environment. Then run the script on the Portal server!

    $ADProperties = @{

      FirstName = "Dennis";

      LastName = "Menace";

      UserName = "DennisMenace";

      DisplayName = "Dennis Menace";

      Domain = "TV.com";


    $ADClass = Get-SCSMClass -Name Microsoft.AD.User$

    $SDU = Get-SCSMClass -Name System.Domain.User$

    New-SCSMObject -Class $ADClass -PropertyHashtable $ADProperties -Bulk

    Let me know if this helps!


    Shane :-)

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