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Announcement Template Function

Mikkel_MadsenMikkel_Madsen Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

This one is inspired by @Justin_Workman and his KB Templates https://community.cireson.com/discussion/5136/kb-templates

I have added a template dropdown list to the announcement editor toolbar

Notes: This script uses the W3.CSS framework - add it to the top in your custom.ccs stylesheet to make it work correctly - se more: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp

You can make your own templates and add them to the list by edit the variable

var templateFileNames = ["Ny driftsforstyrrelse", "Opdater status", "Fejlen er løst", "Planlagt driftsforstyrrelse"];

You can make intelligent timestamp in your templates by using {{timestamp}} or {{nextStatus}} in the template code.

Be careful not to use other html code than the announcement editor provides you with – else you can break the top announcement bar because it can’t render it


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