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Is there a way to delete multiple entries at a time in SCORCH Log?

Ian_StephensonIan_Stephenson Customer IT Monkey ✭

We have two runbooks that begin with a Monitor Date/Time activity. Lately, we noticed the the Log showing In-Progress runs of this runbook has A LOT of runbooks that are In-Progress but never actually ran. Is there a way to delete multiple entries in the Log at a time? I've been trying to do it one at a time but there are simply too many entries for this runbook, as you can see it goes back to 2018 and the runbook runs every 50 minutes....I really don't want to sit here and delete them one at a time.

I found this technet link that describes how to stop this from happening in the future, but it doesn't seem to tell us how to delete all of the entries: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0b514ca7-c7d1-4b54-97b1-aa9fee09cc10/scorch-2016-runbooks-not-finishing-but-everything-appears-to-be-working?forum=scogeneral


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