Custom AD User details page for Global Search
I'm trying to leverage the User details page you get from using the user/UserRelatedInfoById/ URL, but in the New Global Search, the only ID available is the {{ObjectID}} which is not the same as the User GUID. Any suggestions on how to get this to work? Maybe modify the custom link? Finding a different User class in the Config Items?
Best Answer
Shane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
Yes this is possible you just need to use {{Guid}}, a couple of properties which are accessible through the platform data do not show up when you start typing, so if you ignore the intellisense and input as above it will work fine.
btw, I'm using MT_System_User as the class.
Hi Brian. I need to check but I think ‘Guid’ should be available. This is the property you need.
I was hunting for that, but couldn't find it. Noticed there are several different User classes available. Bust so far, all I can find is ObjectID which is "not the One".
Hi @Brian_Winter
Yes this is possible you just need to use {{Guid}}, a couple of properties which are accessible through the platform data do not show up when you start typing, so if you ignore the intellisense and input as above it will work fine.
Hey @Shane_White ! This worked perfectly. Is this documented anywhere or is it a hidden gem? Also, what other properties are available that don't show?
Thanks a million! Our Analysts love the new search, but are waiting impatiently for the wildcard or partial word match.
Well really, if you wanna know what properties you can use, just look at what the Platform Cache Syncs, so in your case go to: <Portal URL>/platform/api/Cached_MT_System_Domain_User
Then you can see all the properties the platform has cached and in theory you should be able to use any of those, though most show up in the intellisense!
I was just trying to do this same thing like a week ago and it didn't even pop into my mind that there are additional "hidden" attributes. @Shane_White , your advice worked perfectly, many thanks for this! It should be documented somewhere in the KB for Global Search at least though, because this is some very useful info. 😉
Any reason why not all the attributes don't show up in the intellisense? (although there are probably most of them looking at the sheer number of options)
Just asking if this is intended or just an overlook. Thanks 😊
Well without looking at the code properly I am not entirely sure why all properties do not show, what I have been able to find out is that {{}} only shows properties that are available to you to use inside global search. So if you clicked a class in global search, the list of properties that appear is what is available inside intellisense.
This tells me that it is probably just GUID that is excluded but not sure why.
It looks like we only load properties of type edm.string, so that is why Guid does not show in the list, I think it's safe to say this is intended behaviour. And I checked if there might be any other properties you are missing out on and the answer is probably not! so bear that in mind!
By string I mean those that the platform caches into the cache database as a string