Change language/text for text "Add Root Activity"
Hi Cireson community,
I'm missing a localization entry for the text "Add Root Activity", would be great to have one ;).
Does anybody have a solution except changing the HTML - Code via script?
Screenshot for better understanding:
Thanks in advance and best regards,
Best Answer
Shane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks for logging Peter, for anyone else seeing this issue the workaround is as follows:
Open C:\CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\app.controls.js
Open C:\CiresonPortal\Scripts\forms\predefined\activities\controller.js
Look for all lines which look like this:
text: "<i class='fa fa-plus-circle cursor-pointer' title='Add Root Activity'></i>",
AND replace it with:
text: "<i class='fa fa-plus-circle cursor-pointer' title='" + localization.AddRootActivity + "'></i>",
Then go to Localizations Setting page to add in a translation like you would for other translations!
first solution is to change the text in "controller.js" and "app.controls.js" ;)
Hi @Peter_Muttenthaler
This is a bug as it is a hard coded string, could you please log an IR for this so I can create a PR?
Then I will post the workaround for you.
Hi @Shane_White,
thank you for your fast reply, I'll create an IR in the next minutes ;)
BR, Peter
Thanks for logging Peter, for anyone else seeing this issue the workaround is as follows:
Open C:\CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\app.controls.js
Open C:\CiresonPortal\Scripts\forms\predefined\activities\controller.js
Look for all lines which look like this:
text: "<i class='fa fa-plus-circle cursor-pointer' title='Add Root Activity'></i>",
AND replace it with:
text: "<i class='fa fa-plus-circle cursor-pointer' title='" + localization.AddRootActivity + "'></i>",
Then go to Localizations Setting page to add in a translation like you would for other translations!
Thank you again for you great and fast support Shane!