"(Software Items)" appended to some CI names in the Service Manager Portal
An example from our own - we have two software items called "AMD Catalyst Control Center," each of a different version. Both are software CI's. The string "(Software Items)" doesn't appear in any table, so I'm wondering where this comes from, and why it appends to one item but not the other. Not a huge deal, but I get asked about it. Thanks for any insight.
Best Answer
Justin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
@David_Hicks - It comes out of the API call like that. There is functionality in the API that appends the class name if it's able to so users can distinguish between different types of CIs. I think it's seen most notably in a search for a computer. Usually you'll see like a Windows Computer, and Hardware Asset, and maybe a Windows Computer (Deployed). I can't explain why sometimes it can find the class name and sometimes it can't. All I can tell you is it's being appended in the API on the fly.
@David_Hicks - It comes out of the API call like that. There is functionality in the API that appends the class name if it's able to so users can distinguish between different types of CIs. I think it's seen most notably in a search for a computer. Usually you'll see like a Windows Computer, and Hardware Asset, and maybe a Windows Computer (Deployed). I can't explain why sometimes it can find the class name and sometimes it can't. All I can tell you is it's being appended in the API on the fly.