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Import and export class instances scripts

Ben_GillionBen_Gillion Customer IT Monkey ✭

Hi all, I recently had an issue with one of our custom Management Packs that meant it wasn't compatible with the Cireson Portal. It was an easy problem to fix, but the change was not upgrade compatible in Service Manager. This meant that I needed to find a way to export and import all instances of a specific class and its relationships so that I could delete the Management pack and import the new version without losing data.

Initially I just built the scripts to export and import our specific class, but started to think it would be cool if the script could be used for any class programmatically so that they might be useful to others, so I came up with these:

There are limitation with some relationship types and the scripts are a work in progress, but if you find these scripts useful and would like to contribute, or just provide feedback, that would be fantastic.


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