Add new attachment to an existing WorkItem
I would like to allow end users to add new attachments to their existing IR. Unfortunately end user cannot do that.
Analyst instead has that possibility.
Is that an expected behaviour? Can I do something to enable that feature?
Best regards!
@Dimitri_Iacomi - Can they use the attachment dropdown at the top of the IR by clicking on the paper clip?
Hi @Justin_Workman,
Unfortunately there is no paper clip shown.
Maybe they lack some permissions in SM?
If you go to Admin Settings -> Features are you able to enable the Header Attachments?
Yes, now I have enabled "Header Attachments" but I cannot add anything.
@Dimitri_Iacomi - if you look at custom.css or custom.js in CiresonPortal\CustomSpace, is it possible you're hiding that ability for End Users?
Tryed removing anything in my CustomSpace but nothing changed.
For sure something is hidden:
<div class="form-group cs-form__predefined--fileAttachmentsDradDrop" data-bind="visible:isVisible" style="display: none;">
If I delete style="display: none;" the page changes and shows the drag an drop feature.
I'm confused...