HW Asset Query
I'm trying to create a SQL query to report when a HW Asset Owned By or Location changes. I can get that using the MT_Cireson$AssetManagement$HardwareAsset and Relationship tables. This gives me the What and the When, but I can't find the table that has the Who.
Where can I find the table linked to the RelationshipID that I can find the account/user that made the change?
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
Firstly, you need to be sure you want to head down this rabbit hole.
You take the blue pill, you can tell your team this cannot be one.
You take the red pill, you will be looking into the following tables and joining on EntityChangeLogId and EntityTransactionLogId:
- MT_Cireson$AssetManagement$HardwareAsset_Log
- EntityChangeLogId
- EntityTransactionLogId
Good luck sir!
Hi @Brian_Winter
Firstly, you need to be sure you want to head down this rabbit hole.
You take the blue pill, you can tell your team this cannot be one.
You take the red pill, you will be looking into the following tables and joining on EntityChangeLogId and EntityTransactionLogId:
Good luck sir!
I overlooked the RelationshipId in the EntityChangeLog.
So now I can go HWAsset --> Relationship --> ChangeLog --> TransactionLog --> User