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AD Groups have no effect when adding them to Navigation Nodes in Navigation Settings

Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

We have a very strange behaviour in our new build-up environment with portal version 11. When we add certain groups to navigation nodes in the navigation settings, members of the corresponding AD groups still don't see this node. Other groups, e.g. our AD Groups for certain cost centers, work perfectly. But we want some nodes to be only visible for e.g. SCSM administrators, which do not have their own cost center group.

In our current productive portal, with version 9, we don't have these problems at all.

Groups which do not work have another OU, than these which work, but have the same depth in Active Directory.

We also use some of these groups (in the same OU as these which don't work in the navigation settings) for Asset managers, Cireson Analysts and so on in the Admin settings - That works perfectly. So what is the issue here? Why does it work in version 9 and doesn't in version 11. There are no error messages in the Cachebuilder as well.

Best Answer

  • Peter_MuttenthalerPeter_Muttenthaler Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    @Simon_Zeinhofer, thats right.

    Its easy to check, the Cireson table [DomainGroup_members] doesn't get filled with information then.

    You get the GUIDs in the tables for Groups and Users.


  • Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

    Seems like I found the solution:

    I was just too impatient. CB only processes group membership when the group is assigned anywhere (i hope that's correct). As these groups are just for navigation node permissions and i deleted them as soon as it "didn't work", the Cachebuilder never processed the group membership for it.

  • Peter_MuttenthalerPeter_Muttenthaler Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    @Simon_Zeinhofer, thats right.

    Its easy to check, the Cireson table [DomainGroup_members] doesn't get filled with information then.

    You get the GUIDs in the tables for Groups and Users.

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