Global Search Reviewers of Review Activities
Dear All,
It would be great if there would be a possibility to display reviewers of review activties.
I know (because of M:N Relationsships) its not that easy, so I would create my own table which contains that info, which isn't possible right now.
Is there a plan to create a specific [cachert].... table for that or probably another solution?
BR, Peter
Ok so if I'm reading this right, let's say you search for a Review Activity in Global Search. One of the Data points would be (for example) the Display Name's of the Reviewers?
On the flipside - let's say you were searching Users + Review Activities. You type a user's Display Name, you see their AD User Record + the Review Activities associated with them?
Hi @Adam_Dzyacky
Thank you for your reply! ;)
Yeah, your first point would be great. I know cause of Relationship levels RA <-> Reviewer <-> User thats a little hard to do. Is that possible?