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Identifying examples in the archiver

Sean_TerrySean_Terry Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭


I wanted to demo what it does at the moment. I wondered if there was a flag in the analytics database that I can use to track down examples so I can demo what they look like in the portal.

I can try reducing retention so the archived outnumber those that are current but I wondered if there was another way? Possibly something that will come later

Best Answer

  • Justin_WorkmanJustin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sean_Terry - This query against CiresonAnalytics will get you the incidents that are older than your retention period as configured in Administration -> Settings -> Retention Settings in the SCSM console:

    DECLARE @RetentionTime int = 40;

    DECLARE @RetentionWindow datetime = dateadd(day, -@RetentionTime, getdate());

    SELECT amo.Name

    FROM Archive_Managed_Object amo

    WHERE amo.ManagedTypeId = 'a604b942-4c7b-2fb2-28dc-61dc6f465c68' --incident

    AND JSON_VALUE(amo.ObjectDefinition, '$.ClosedDate') < @RetentionWindow

    You can replace the 40 with your retention period.


  • Justin_WorkmanJustin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sean_Terry - This query against CiresonAnalytics will get you the incidents that are older than your retention period as configured in Administration -> Settings -> Retention Settings in the SCSM console:

    DECLARE @RetentionTime int = 40;

    DECLARE @RetentionWindow datetime = dateadd(day, -@RetentionTime, getdate());

    SELECT amo.Name

    FROM Archive_Managed_Object amo

    WHERE amo.ManagedTypeId = 'a604b942-4c7b-2fb2-28dc-61dc6f465c68' --incident

    AND JSON_VALUE(amo.ObjectDefinition, '$.ClosedDate') < @RetentionWindow

    You can replace the 40 with your retention period.

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