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Cireson portal Dashboard - SQL-based table not updating after making changes to incident

Manpreet_SinghManpreet_Singh Customer IT Monkey ✭
edited October 2022 in View Builder

SQL-based table not updating after making changes to incidents. It retains the old values in the table even after refreshing the browser page.


  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi @Manpreet_Singh

    What table / DB are you pulling data from?


  • Manpreet_SinghManpreet_Singh Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi @Geoff_Ross I am using ServiceManagement data source and pulling the information in SQL based table like:

    SELECT wi.workitemid, wi.title, ds.DisplayString as Status

    FROM Workitem wi

    LEFT JOIN displaystring ds

    ON ds.elementid = w.statusid

    AND ds.localeid = 'enu'

    WHERE assigneduserid = @userid

    It is pulling information once and not updating information automatically when new ticket gets created even after refreshing the web page.

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi @Manpreet_Singh

    That table is not 100% up to date as it is a cache table. However, its should sync every minute so items should be pretty much up to date at all times. The cachebuilder service is what does this. Maybe the service is having problems?


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