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SMLets AutoNag Script

Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
edited November 2022 in Community Uploads

Hi everyone,

I’ve been working on a script that will alleviate the administrative burden of reaching out to Affected Users when their feedback is necessary for the advancement of their incident. Without getting too far into the weeds, the script looks for the following conditions:

-         Work Item Type = Incident

-         Status = Pending User Feedback

-         Last Comment Was Left By An Analyst

-         Last Comment Date Meets A Threshold

-         Auto-Resolution When Threshold Met

-         Admin Email Generated Containing All Nagged Incidents

This script, when paired with the SMLets Exchange Connector’s Processing Logic, helps “close the loop” in terms of analyst/user communication. For example, when the Affected User replies, the status changes to Active, and when the Assigned User replies, the status changes to Pending User Feedback. This processing logic, coupled with the Auto Nag “Auto-Resolution” function, could theoretically allow an analyst to work within the portal and have their standard view contain a filter on Status that does not contain incidents in “Pending User Feedback” status, confident that the script is nagging on their behalf.

The script is on my GitHub page, and I plan on continuously improving it over time. Currently, I have this script running via Task Scheduler, although one day I may try to make it into an SCSM workflow. Any and all feedback is welcome. While not on my GitHub page, I use a variation of this script to perform different nagging options based on which Support Group the incident is assigned to. Once I can figure out how to “genericize” this experience, I will definitely put it on GitHub.



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