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Add Unique WorkItem Value to Billable Time Table
I'd like to see a value in the Billable Time Table in the ServiceManagement DB that allows for easy lookup of the Work Item ID that the billable time is related to. Right now, these two tables don't share any commonality between themselves, and it seems like a simple oversight that would be capable of producing literally any reports and analytics surrounding billable time.
- workitem
- cachert.csnCached_MT_System_WorkItem_BillableTime
@Daniel_Polivka1 - The Cached_MT_System_WorkItem_BillableTime table isn't purposely built in the same way that the WorkItem table is. It is just a cache of the MT_System$WorkItem$BillableTime table from ServiceManager. Your best bet for matching billable time to work items is using ServiceManager:
Thank you!! I have been playing in the ServiceManagement DB quite a bit, but haven't really plunged into the SCSM DB yet. I wanted to get all the work items that could have billable time, so i did a quick and dirty UNION ALL with your query. Not sure if there's a better way, but your piece gave me that step I was missing. Thanks again!