Creating a runbook from Orchestrator
I've been looking to create an SR, RA and RB from Orchestrator.
All ok except for the runbook. I found some old links which is probably where I have gone wrong:
Add a runboook activity from a runbook –
For this one I just get the console crashing whenever I try and open the RB activity. I assume the code for the mappings is not right.
SCSM.SE » Blog Archive » Create Runbook activities from Orchestrator
This one I have the PowerShell to apply an existing template to an activity that has been created.
Does anyone have any better examples?
@Sean_Terry we have 2 different approaches for these type of requests:
I can provide you with a script for the 2nd approach - It is from a blog but I do not have the link anymore.
EDIT: just found the link: