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Filter Class for specified Relationship List
What I mean is the Affected Configuration Items is really just a control defined within "CiresonPortal\Scripts\forms\predefined\relatedItems" and while you can specify how to limit which config items are shown through that list you cannot actually have 2 of those lists like in the SCSM Console.
In the SCSM Console:
- Affected Services - (Relationship='System.WorkItemAboutConfigItem' && TargetClass='System.Service')
- Affected Items - (Relationship='System.WorkItemAboutConfigItem' && TargetClass='System.ConfigItem')
So, that is what I am requesting, the ability to have a list control where you specify the relationship, whether it is going to relate another item to the source or target role (opposite of the seed role), and what classes the items must be to be valid.
The perfect scenario is you modify a form like Incident.js in CustomSpace and add in the list like so:
System.Service"} PropertyToDisplay: {Id:"Id",DisplayName:"DisplayName"} }{ ListDisplayName: "Affected Services", type: "CustomRelationshipList", Relationship: "System.WorkItemAboutConfigItem", RelatedEntityRole: "Target", RelatedEntityClassTypes: {"
You can do this with the undocumented multi-picker control.
name: "Affected Business Services",
PropertyName: is the Relationship Class Name
ClassId: is the Target Class Id
Scoped: if true will show only the above class in the list, if false shows all objects with that relationship.
Oh, that's a real surprise!!! .... What about targeting multiple class types? I'm quite happy that the affected services relationship can be created, just what if we want a third list that would display X number of class types.
For example: Another list that would only show items of class type 'Cireson.AssetManagement.HardwareAsset' and 'Cireson.AssetManagement.SoftwareAsset' and 'System.SoftwareItem'