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Orphaned Enum in MP

Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

I have an MP that contains the List objects of Support Groups that can be selected for Change Requests (custom MP i made in the Authoring Tool). I went to add a new Support Group list entry, and everything seemed fine, but data returned to me in SMLets looked wrong, so I deleted it. After a lot more tinkering, I realized that even though the console shows the new entries are gone, the MP still shows the enumeration. I'm curious if anyone has had an "orphaned" entry like this before, and what the best practice is here. Can I just delete the parts of the exported MP xml that reference this enum, and re-import? Or maybe there's something I can check before doing that. Thank you in advance for any replies.

Here's a screenshot, basically what it shows is the new "CR Line Reviewers" support group in the MP, but an equivalent query of that enum with SMLets returns nothing. You can see a similar entry for Network at the bottom, another support group, and that looks normal.

Best Answer

  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Well, a little more poking and prodding, and then a restart of the OMSDK service seems to have fixed things. I don't know why I had to do it, but so far, everything seems to be functional in the console again. I'll revisit this post again if it goes haywire once more, but i'm crossing my fingers it doesn't come to that.


  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi @Daniel_Polivka1
    The console could be failing to update. Clear its cache by deleting

    C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\System Center Service Manager 2010 

    See https://www.techguy.at/fix-scsm-console-issues/ for more details.

    Also, what do you get if you try and return all Enum Values under that parent in SMLets.

    Get-SCSMEnumeration ChangeSupportGroupEnum | Get-SCSMChildEnumeration -Depth Recursive

    Replace "ChangeSupportGroupEnum" with your top level Enum name,


  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

    Hi Geoff! I did clear that directory (and the enum is still not present), and ran the powershell (and the enum is not present there either). I recently went through the migration steps of moving the databases from an old SQL server 2014 to 2019 instance, so I'm wondering if there is still something lurking in the shadows here. I also just noticed that an MP I created for something else this morning has completely disappeared, so I'm starting to suspect my hunch has some merit.

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Its an odd one.
    I think the last thing I would do is check the MP table in the SQL, pull the XML from there and see if its got that enum. (I assume there is an enum defined, you screenshot only has the DisplayString).

    If is it there too I would be very confused, but remove it from the XML, reimport it over the top and move on to the next problem!


  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

    So @Geoff_Ross I did some more poking around and I found that the SQL tables look correct, like they hold the new MP i made and the addition to the previous MP that already existed, but they don't show up in the console. So at least on the surface, it looks like the console isn't able to reflect new SQL data, but the SQL tables do hold the data. It's interesting too, because I created my new MP in the console, and after a while, it just "disappeared" from the console/SMLets, but everything is still in the database. I'm curious if I need to restart services or something; there's nothing useful in any error logs on the SCSM server or the SQL server.

  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Well, a little more poking and prodding, and then a restart of the OMSDK service seems to have fixed things. I don't know why I had to do it, but so far, everything seems to be functional in the console again. I'll revisit this post again if it goes haywire once more, but i'm crossing my fingers it doesn't come to that.

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