Send email to a usergroup about an update of a problem
When a problem is updated we want to send the update automatically to the end user.
At the moment we have created the following runbook in Orchestrator.
In general it does what it has to do, however we need to make it more specific. At the moment the runbook works as follows:
- Agent adds a comment about an update to a problem
- When the agent puts in the word [UPDATE] in the comment an hard defined user receives an update. However when a previous update contains the word [UPDATE] and the new update doesn't, it will sent an update anyway. We don't want that.
We want to change the following:
- When the agent puts in a normal update without the word [UPDATE] it won't send an update to the affected users of the underlying incidents
- When the agent puts in a update with the word [UPDATE] it has to sent this update to the affected users of the underlying incidents
- Send the email to the affected users of the underlying incidents. How to gather this data?
So the runbook triggers even when the comment does not contain [Update]? Even though you have added that to the filter of the Monitor Object. Can we see the config of the Monitor Object?
Yes correct, so it looks like the trigger is on when a comment contains [UPDATE]. Not only the new one 😓