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Query Result picker for email addresses

Hey Everyone,

I want to make a prompt that searches for email addresses of our active staff. There is nothing I can find in the AD classes that would help, the closest I have found is the ‘Subscriber address’ class with its ‘Target Address’ but it looks through all the email address both shared mailboxes and mailing lists along with exstaff. I cannot find a way to configure the criteria to limit this, does anyone happen to know of another class that could be used?


  • john_doylejohn_doyle Cireson Support Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

    Hi David,

    Assuming that you are looking for a user associated with an email address, I would use a text box for the input of the email address and then a query results prompt based on the User (typical) Combination Class as the class and with the criteria specifying channel name = SMTP and TargetAddress contains the input from the text token. As the user types in the email address this would display the users associated with the address in the results.

  • David_MuzzattiDavid_Muzzatti Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi John, I dont need to look up users I need to look up email addresses

  • Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

    If the UPN matches your users' Mail you could use that property for it.
    If not I would suggest adding a custom property to the AD User class via the authoring tool and syncing the mail address to AD on a daily basis.

  • David_MuzzattiDavid_Muzzatti Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Thanks for the suggestion, I would be interested in getting that property added in then. Is there any documentation around that would show how that would be done? Im only familiar with the authoring tool in relation to adding properties to work items.

  • Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 25

    In general it works the same. You need to create a new Management pack then load the AD User class into it and then extend that class. You could just call that property MailFromAD or something like that. After sealing that MP you can import it. Be aware that based on the amount of AD user objects in your system, this might lead to heavy impact on the performance during the import.

    The syncing of the mail property is a simple Powershell script which needs to be run in a daily basis - we do that via an SCO Scheduling runbook.

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