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Deputys for approvals in Portal

We're currently facing an issue, that multiple approval activities are on hold by either service-responisble persons or line managers as they are on holiday. Does anyone know possibility to enter a deputy for yourself to make sure that this other person can take on the approvals during this time? A perfect solution would also include the possibility to set this as an admin for users as - lets be honest - most of the people will not set this by theirselfes.

Would really appreciate your input on this!


  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is an interesting feature idea for Review Activities for sure and as you say, there are probably scenarios where you would want to set this for someone.

    I'm curious what kind of events would trigger this to occur. For example, if the Reviewer is X and its been longer than 5 days, change them? Add an additional Reviewer, but change the Approval threshold? Something else?

  • Andreas_LeupiAndreas_Leupi Customer IT Monkey ✭
    edited June 21

    I think the most elegant way would indeed be a second approver with the changed threshold. But - for the perfect solution - I guess currently active approvals would need to be changed if this "Deputy" is set as well as the activities that get in Progress during that time. Otherwise the currently active RAs would still be inaccessible for the deputy if they're not changed. What's you opinion on that?

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Also loving this idea but can't think of anything myself of the team have put together to solve this. I'm imaging a workflow that is triggered every time a UserIsReviewer relationship is created that checks if that user CI has a "DelegateApprovalsToUser" relationship and changed the review if yes. That would be set in the portal via Admins or via the User Preferences page by the user themselves.

    Quite complex but would be awesome.

  • Andreas_LeupiAndreas_Leupi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Workflow could work out - But I think you would need two triggers/WFs: One linked to the change in "DelegateApprovalsToUser" (lets call it just like that for the moment) that adds the new entry to all RAs in Progress and one thats driven by a RA that becomes in Progress that just sets the value of "DelegateApprovalsToUser" into that RA.
    Do you think, the part with the Portal to set the entry would be quite complex or the Workflow-Side?

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi Andreas,

    Both would be reasonably complex.

    The workflows (you are right there would need to be two) would require a Management Pack and one of them would need a relationship criteria rather than instance. Then you would need C# workflows written against the SCSM SDK and compiled into a DLL.

    As for the Portal side, that is also a fair bit of work. Some custom JS to run on the user preferences page to add the control and bind it to the custom relationship. Permissions could be a challenge here too, the end user would need to have rights to edit that relationship.

    Who in the community fancies a challenge?


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