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Service manager service accounts internet access

Dean_MrazekDean_Mrazek Customer IT Monkey ✭


Do the below accounts for service manager/cireson portal require internet access and if so, why do they need internet access? I couldn't find any clear answers in the knowledge base. The users are

service manager service account

service manager workflow account

cireson portal website account

cireson portal cachebuilder account

service manager - system center configuration manager connector


Best Answer

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    Answer ✓

    Hi Dean,

    Nothing needs it but some might want it? Not sure that makes sense, let me explain.

    • service manager service account - No
    • service manager workflow account - If you have any cloud activities that call Webhooks on the internet or custom workflows that connect then yes. But OOB no.
    • cireson portal website account - Yes if you want to use Cireson online licencing but you can use offline if not. Also Yes if you use Cireson Cloud connector and have internet Webhooks configured.
    • cireson portal cachebuilder account - No
    • service manager - system center configuration manager connector - No


  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    Answer ✓

    Hi Dean,

    Nothing needs it but some might want it? Not sure that makes sense, let me explain.

    • service manager service account - No
    • service manager workflow account - If you have any cloud activities that call Webhooks on the internet or custom workflows that connect then yes. But OOB no.
    • cireson portal website account - Yes if you want to use Cireson online licencing but you can use offline if not. Also Yes if you use Cireson Cloud connector and have internet Webhooks configured.
    • cireson portal cachebuilder account - No
    • service manager - system center configuration manager connector - No

  • Dean_MrazekDean_Mrazek Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi Geoff

    Thanks so much!

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