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Notify Analyst - Manual Activities

Hello! I know Out-Of-Box Manual Activities do not have a Support Group, and you need to extend the class in order for them to contain that property. Would it be possible to include this functionality so Manual Activities either assigned to Support Group only (no direct analyst) or to an analyst also function similarly to other Work Item classes like Incidents? Maybe something like a qualifier and string to input, like a check box to denote you have indeed extended the MA class, and then the extended property name for Notify Analyst to search against, like "supportgroup" or "tierqueue" etc…

2 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated


  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    edited September 9

    Also, this would be for the benefit of the Reminder Settings section of Notify Analyst with the emailed work item report, my apologies for leaving that part out.

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hey Dan,

    Your wish is my command:

    You need the Console Group Mapping App and then you can select the support group enum on MAs.

    Then in Notify Analyst the following will magically appear…


  • Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

    Hi Geoff! I actually do have all that configured, which is why I thought maybe the functionality didn't extend to the Reminder email. I don't want to turn this request into a support ticket, but if you know why these would be here and not in my Reminder email, that'd be awesome!

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