Missing Completed Activities
I'm relatively new to using the Cireson Portal and Service Manager, so please excuse my inexperience with both. But I've come across an issue where when a Service Request gets created, we can view the Service Request in "Team Work", if we tick the "Show Activities" box, we can also see the manual activities related to the Service Request.
Then if we complete all the related manual activities, the Service Request automatically completes, and is removed from "Team Work".
To see the completed Service Request in "Team Work" we then tick the "Show Inactive Work Items" box, and we can see the completed Service Request, but the completed manual activities do not show, even though we have both boxes ticked.
The same thing also happens in "My Work". If an analyst assigns the Service Request to themselves, and completes everything, they can only see the completed Service Request when they tick both "Show Activities" and "Show Inactive Work Items".
It's my understanding (possibly incorrectly) that the completed manual activities should show, but it's possible something may have been changed in the past on our Cireson Portal that is stopping them from showing.
Has anyone any ideas what might be the cause of this?
Current Portal Version:
The issue affects all analysts.