Adding an ExtensionAttribute field to the Profile section of the User settings
I've read in the knowledgebase article how additional fields can be added to the Profile section. But it's only possible for common fields. Is there a possibility to add an ExtensionAttribute field to this section? We use some of the ExtensionAttributes to store user-relevant data and would like to display them in the Profile section. The fields would be read-only.
Best Answer
Ingrid_Glatz Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
Hello Seth, hello Jonathan,
I finally figured it out. It's the UserProfile.js, not the RelatedUserInfo.js which needs to be modified to see additional attributes in the User Settings - Profile section.
Simply customize as your needs require with either removing or adding additional fields - you'll notice that we kept the PropertyDisplayName as "extensionAttribute_##" as each of the various extensionAttribute_## entries are localized within the Cireson localizations menu since we had to be setup for a multi-lingual environment.
(Due to file security restrictions within this portal, you'll need to rename to .js instead of .txt once reviewed and ready to test)
Hope this helps!
Hi Jonathan,
thank you so much. I'll test it tomorrow. While you've just started working, I'm about to go home. I'll keep you informed how it works.
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to make sure I understand what you are trying to do clearly.
Hello Seth,
I'm referring to the User Settings - Profile section in the upper right corner where you see fields like Name, Email address or Mobile Phone. Here I would like to add one or two additional fields to be populated by AD Information coming from ExtendedAttributes. I'm not talking about the 'i' Information button.
Maybe the JS file Jonathan gave me adds these fields to the user Information when clicking the 'i'? Haven't had the time yet to test the JS.
Hello Seth, hello Jonathan,
I finally figured it out. It's the UserProfile.js, not the RelatedUserInfo.js which needs to be modified to see additional attributes in the User Settings - Profile section.