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Survey App User Role issue

Daniel_PaulDaniel_Paul Customer IT Monkey ✭
Hi there,

we are running the scsm console serving serveral departments (eg. finance, HR, four IT departments).
Every department has based on AD-Groups different user-role / rights.
Survey App User-Role recommends Advanced Operator as base and full access to Views and Tasks also domainusers as users.
With that our custom userroles are "overwritten" by Survey App userrole. Reason: Cumulative roles.

My question: Will the Survey App still run, once the access in Views and Tasks in the Survey App User Role is reduced?

Kind regards


Best Answer

  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016 Answer ✓
    For the Tasks & Views, just select "Provide access to only the selected tasks", and then do not select any check boxes. Sorry for the confusion, we will update the instructions.


  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016 Answer ✓
    For the Tasks & Views, just select "Provide access to only the selected tasks", and then do not select any check boxes. Sorry for the confusion, we will update the instructions.

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