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Localizing Action Log Entries from Workflow Account

Jonathan_BolesJonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
Hi Community! We are preparing to launch the French language to our production portal in a few weeks and one of the incidents that has been brought forth by the testers is that fact that the action log entries added by the SCSM Workflow account are in English and not French as shown in the image below (I've added the comment 'This is in French' above as an analyst comment just to show that is working as expected.

Essentially we would like to be able to either localize or completely hide these entries for end users. (If the English shows up for analysts, that's fine - it just needs to either be localized to French or hidden from view for non-analyst users.

Has anyone had any experience with this or how I could go about trying to either localize these messages or hide them altogether?


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    Conner_WoodConner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    In particular you are wanting the title to be in French for Action Logs.
    However the Title is not localized by SCSM, it is simply a text field.
    This is proven by querying the Action Log table itself.

    SELECT ActionType.ActionType AS 'Action'
    	   ,ActionComment.[Title_EBD146F0_A12A_6998_545C_7F81BF7747E1] AS 'Title'
    	    ,ActionComment.[EnteredBy_93521833_D998_8788_E0C6_7DC5A63D0C21] AS 'Entered By'
    	    ,DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), ActionComment.[EnteredDate_87191943_06FB_63C8_70B9_0F2CECCEBFF6]) AS 'Entered Date Local Time'
    	    ,ActionComment.[Description_B6B650A0_BD13_2916_6E19_49597AAFF2EE] AS 'Comment'
    FROM [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$ActionLog] ActionComment (nolock)
    --Join for getting localized ActionType Enumeration
    	SELECT DISTINCT Enum.EnumTypeId, LT.LTValue AS 'ActionType' 
    	FROM [dbo].[EnumType] Enum (nolock)
    	JOIN [dbo].[LocalizedText] LT (nolock)
    	ON LT.LanguageCode = 'ENU'
    	AND LT.LTStringType = 1 -- 1 is localized DisplayName for the element, 2 is Description
    	AND Enum.EnumTypeId = LT.LTStringId
    ) AS ActionType ON ActionType.[EnumTypeId] = ActionComment.[ActionType_F6A6D433_64AD_8004_81D4_80DBDD662C40]

    It took minimal altering from my initial SQL statement.

    I suppose if you want the workflow to write in French, you'd need to alter the SCSM primary workflow Server system locale through Region and Language > Administrative tab > Change System Locale then restart the server.  That was my conclusion on how the SCSM SDK determines what Language Code a user has by default so I figure .

    Other than that, if you wanted to hide them through the Cireson Portal you'd need to do some javascript.

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    Jonathan_BolesJonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Conner_Wood, I was concerned this may be the case. Since we are headed towards a bi-lingual environment in the next month and adding another language sometime next year it seems that the best route will be to hide it using javascript somehow. I will start looking into that. In the meantime if you (or anyone for that matter :)) has any suggestions for how to go about doing that, I'd be much obliged!
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