Unable to delete custom made query
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.Hi Liz,
Nice to meet another Ross.
If the view is completely stuck, you can remove directly from the database with the following query.-- Look up the guid in the URL of the view and paste it here DECLARE @ViewGuid nvarchar(255) = 'e482ac21-9615-47d5-93e8-6c077e6ea754' DELETE FROM NavigationNode WHERE Id = @ViewGuid DELETE FROM NavigationNode WHERE Id = ( SELECT Id FROM ViewPanel WHERE CHARINDEX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), Id),( SELECT [Definition] FROM NavigationNode WHERE id = @ViewGuid) ) > 0 )
This post is provided 'as is' with no guarantees of any kind. Please test and back up your database first.5
You can attempt to clear the browser cache by using (ctrl+F5). Also, have you tried recreating the view from scratch?
What version of the Portal are you running?
Nice to meet another Ross.
If the view is completely stuck, you can remove directly from the database with the following query.
This post is provided 'as is' with no guarantees of any kind. Please test and back up your database first.