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Users do not care about any of this, of course. They just wonder why they cannot construct any kind of useful search, let alone why it is not easier.
Sadly it's not the first time the subject of a better search has been brought to Cireson.
I personally don't believe Community Votes have an impact large enough to prioritize rebuilding the hardcoded search logic into the search engine it could be. I've tried to make my SCSM CopyCat program known to Cireson, to show it could be done, selecting a class and being able to search all the properties and relationships that the class has access to (this includes custom extensions as well as parent classes). The download includes the source code, not much guesswork needed when you have a working example. But it seems #UlteriorMotive didn't work like I hoped it would.
The tricky part about making a comment searcher in particular is that it would need to be made in particular. At least, to make the user experience tolerable. It wouldn't hurt to brainstorm it out either, so we know exactly what we're asking for and Cireson could better guesstimate how long it would take for new, 100% working functionality.
In this case, I'm going to envision it, let my coherent extrapolated volition take form!
- Incident
- Change Request
- Service Request
- Problem
And the best part is, this will search all the comment types for a ticket, so no need to specify the comment class (CommentLog, AnalystCommentLog, UserCommentLog)Note: It was a design choice to not allow choosing the comment class, and just asking for a ticket filter, if no filter chosen, then search them all.The Comment Properties that can be chained: EnteredByCommentEnteredDateAt this point the User is able to choose Incidents for the Ticket Filter, then set criteria of [Comment] [Contains] [Wubba Lubba Dub Dub]They hit search, and low and behold they receive back a list of rows that contain a comment with the Ticket ID it belongs to, as well as EnteredBy and EnteredDate. Searching Comments everyone, Searching Comments, yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!The User can then click on the comment rows and it'll bring them to the ticket, like an actual search!Repeating this as a quote for emphasis. Well said.
This is the kind of design users could really get behind, I think. What I am about to say overlaps with your CopyCat program a bit, I think, but in the interest of brainstorming I'll say it here too. In our various different SCSM implementations, we may have all kinds of class extensions and type projections. I sense that this is where some of the difficulty tends to come from. To a lesser degree, we have OOB classes that are actually separate, but appear to users as a single "thing" on a form, like you have described above.
Can we not, as admins, help make this simpler by being responsible for providing which class/projection to use for certain types of searches? I am fine if we have to look up a GUID and hand-type it instead of getting a fancy dropdown list that gives the display name of all projections for a given base class (although that seems like it would be straightforward enough). In the example you show here, I think it is reasonable to just accept the properties that can be chained. In others, it is not (e.g. extended Change Request class). One size does not fit all, and I think common sense can be used here.
I have nothing to add to the rest of your post. If that was built, I would love to use it the way you have described.
And yes, my logic is that because a comment is a target orientated search, it needed to be much more intricate than the regular ticket searches which are source of relationship orientated.
Common sense is currently a misnomer, however I would very much like that to change.
I am partially tempted to build my own, it was only after I showed screenshots of the custom Reviewer Portal that Cireson decided to prioritize restricting reviewers reviewing an activity. Seriously I double checked the datestamps under Inspect elements on the dates on the posts.
I don't want to get anyone's hope up, I just wanted to state I know it is possible to do since I have the knowledge to make a comment searcher web page that could then be referenced by the Cireson Portal. Optionally I could also make a node on the side menu that links to the webpage, but the other option seems cleaner.
In regard to your last point, it seems better to get these ideas out in text and encourage some movement, than to not say anything and stew about the lack of said feature existing (not saying you are, btw, speaking generally here). I am glad you added this to the thread. I am not sure what is going on with the votes (down votes, perhaps?) on these search features, but they are:
- Crucial to any ticket platform
- Feasible
- Expected to already exist by nearly 100% of users, who are then frustrated and annoyed to learn that they are wrong
If the mantra is still "first make it possible, then make it easy" then let's just focus on that first part to start with. Make it possible. It is not even possible for users to conduct a meaningful search (again, this goes for comments and also work items in general). I would prefer that the difficulty get shifted on to us as admins and away from the users, but I could even live with something difficult for users to start with if that is the only way to get the feature.Granted, programming is more "Need Mental Knowledge" than "Need Physical Effort" as I know the SCSM databases better than most I'd say, given how much hideous troubleshooting I've had to do....
Now relationship classes are a bit harder because they are all in the massive [dbo].[RelationshipType] and you do need to do a bit of Common Table Expression (CTE) Recursion to get the list of classes that your class can access (Incident can access the WorkItem AssignedTo relationship). Basically the criteria is the class and any hierarchical parents of the class.
The above query returns only relationship classes that an incident is able to be related to (though you would have to determine if you should relate to source or target).
As for the down votes, it's more likely they like the idea later on when revisiting the thread, and end up clicking the up arrow again which removes their vote.
Hahaha, and I agree @Tom_Hendricks , the community should be as active as possible with finding the flaws and lack of features, though I don't blame them for being already overwhelmed and just, fine whatever.
Cireson, when can we expect this functionality in the product?
I think this will form part of the "Global Search" that was released in 9.7.0. Theare are still some bugs, but from what I have tested it is a game changer
What's the status of the "Global Search", is it working? Does it search Action Log updates?
v10.4 on Latest now lets you search Action Logs and redirects you to the Parent Work Item from Global Search.
I guess this can be closed since it's out there for a little while already :)