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Ability to Hide Pages in Advanced Request Offering (ARO) just like Input Prompts
Some forms, especially new user forms, can be very long and complex depending on the number of systems being integrated in to the form.
As an example: It would be great to have a bunch of check boxes on the first page to select the types of access required for the user, then have subsequent pages appear or disappear based on if the answer is yes or no. If the user clicks a "Mobile Phone required?" check box then a page could use the Show If True on this box to then ask type, amount of data, international roaming, iPhone or Android.... Or Windows phone if you are a stubborn MS Fanboy..... <Cough>.
Or for a more advanced solution, based on a users Title or Job Role, assign a "Standards" CI and based on what is\isn't needed ask multiple pages based on the chosen role.
Agreed, but either solution would work for getting rid of pages that don't have questions. I am not sure which would be easier to implement. However, being able to selectively define when the page is gone as the OP suggested would be the more flexible option.
Great idea @Brett_Moffett ! Would love to see this functionality added.