What permissions are required to add attachments to a Service request?
I've created a Service request that only allows to select a user, add an attachment and optionally, add a comment. When creating the request in the Portal, I get the answer "Service Request created: Null. Using the Service Manager console with the same account, I can create the request with an attached file using the same template that's populated on the portal.
Which permissions am I missing?
Best Answer
Conner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭I'm assuming this is a Request Offering and once the user fills it out then they get the "Null" message.
Perhaps this thread will help: Request was created: nullConner_Wood said:<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/50#/" title="Link: https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/50#/">Cireson KA #50 - FAQ: Why Are Users Unable to Submit Requests From the Request Offerings in the Cireson Self-Service Portal?</a><br><br>If you've already done all that.... You may need to check that your connectors are syncing your changes in SCSM, you could potentially disable the AD connector(s) then re-enable them and then run them.<br><br>After that, you could check the Cireson Database and ensure it's syncing over the users correctly. You may even end up having to <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1142#/" title="Link: https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1142#/">get the CacheBuilder to rebuild it</a>.<br>
Perhaps this thread will help: Request was created: null
I've read this article but it didn't help.
I'm using my own regular account which has been synced already into the database months ago. All other request offerings are doing fine that are in the same category than the new offering. No new group has been created to allow access to this offering. So in my opinion, there's no need to run the AD connector. Because I've created the new offering on Friday, all new information (if any) should already be synced over the week-end.
Any other ideas?
I don't know whether restarting the Cache Builder really helped (had to do it to populate new AD groups for other request offerings), but this afternoon, my request offering was created via the Portal using the same account.
The offering was created on Friday with all fields, mappings and required permissions, no changes were made after. By Monday, the Cache Builder had already synced automatically 3 times. The offering was present on the portal but it didn't work. Today, after a manual restart of the service, everything is working as expected. Unfortunately, I hadn't tested this request offering this morning, so I cannot tell whether it would have worked anyway.
Is there a difference between the regular daily Cache Builder synchronization and a manual restart? Especially when creating new offerings and permissions. I would have thought that after a whole week-end, everything should be replicated using the normal sync interval..
Were you able to find your answer yet? Or is your question still pending?
Regards, Tony
Hi Tony,
no, it seems to have itself resolved. Never had the issue again afterwards.
Regards Ingrid