Custom Work Item Classes
I have a custom Work Item class that I have created a View for in the SCSM console, and promoted the view to the portal. I can see the view in the portal, and I can see my Work Items listed for my custom Work Item class.
My question is... Is there a way I can create a custom form that opens when I click on any of my custom Work items?
Best Answer
Brett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Hi @Tim_Shackleton
I'm sorry for misleading you here. I thought you were talking about an extended existing class not a new custom class.
At the moment it is not possible to expose custom classes in the portal.
I'm surprised this has never been requested in the feature request list, so I have added one in for people to vote on.
Please feel free to vote on this and if it gets enough votes and is technically possible, the dev team can review for possible inclusion in future versions.
I hope this answers your question.5
We have a KB for making custom forms for the Portal -
This should get you started in the right direction.
Let me know if you have further questions,
Second place to go would be this video
It is hosted by @seth_coussens in which he talks about showing a customer form based on the template ID of the Work Item, but this could use anything on the WI to target it to a specific form.
Hope this helps
I'm sorry for misleading you here. I thought you were talking about an extended existing class not a new custom class.
At the moment it is not possible to expose custom classes in the portal.
I'm surprised this has never been requested in the feature request list, so I have added one in for people to vote on.
Please feel free to vote on this and if it gets enough votes and is technically possible, the dev team can review for possible inclusion in future versions.
I hope this answers your question.