Portal links in SLO warning and breech notifications
since implementing the community self-service portal I've update all our notification email templates to include hyperlinks directly to the referenced work item in the Portal, this has been pretter straight forward for most notifications. However, notifications to analysts on SLO warning and Breech are a bit trickier. Because the targeted class for these notifications is the Service Level Instance Time Information the same object is used in relation to Incidents and Service Requests. This makes linking directly to the work item in the portal difficult since the URL differs for Incidents and Service Requests my example URL looks like this:
<a href="http://serviceportald/Incident/Edit/$Context/Path[Relationship='CustomSystem_SLA_Library!System.WorkItemHasSLAInstanceInformation' SeedRole='Target' TypeConstraint='CustomSystem_WorkItem_Library!System.WorkItem']/Property[Type='CustomSystem_WorkItem_Library!System.WorkItem']/Id$/">
<span style='color:#00B0F0'>$Context/Path[Relationship='CustomSystem_SLA_Library!System.WorkItemHasSLAInstanceInformation' SeedRole='Target' TypeConstraint='CustomSystem_WorkItem_Library!System.WorkItem']/Property[Type='CustomSystem_WorkItem_Library!System.WorkItem']/Id$</span>
This URL will work if the work Item related to the warning/breech is an incident but if it is a Service request this link will not work. is the a generic URL path that can be used or can someone suggest a way to dynamically change the URL depending on if the related class is an incident or service request?
Best Answer
Brian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Check out post from @Martin_Blomgren. He shared a solution that should help you with this.