Status change on SR without activities
I would like to ask that you have the same situation.
For SR I use standard status: New / Submitted / In progress / On hold / Completed / Cancelled / Closed. This SR type don't have any activities.
User creates a SR with status "New", then are created relations and after 3 second it get "In progress" but next it get status "Submitted" - probably after enetering into the SR by analitycs.
Analityc can change the status only for "Completed" or "Canceled" and Closed - after "Completed".
I thought that status "Submitted" should be when I make "Acknowledge". But after clicking it nothing happened (only comment is added).
The "Submitted" status is almost for all the SR life.
Is it correct? How to set status "In progress" - when the acknoledge button is clicked? Is it posiible without using activities?
How to make the status "On hold" or "Waiting for user" when I send ask for user eg. for addtional information. I try to use Action log notify but there is a problem to set notification only for Analyst - according to community.
History log below:
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.Hi @Marek_Lefek
What you are seeing is exactly expected behaviour. The Status 'In Progress' is reserved for SRs with activities and the workflow which pushes each activity themselves in turn into 'In Progress' is very reliant on this SR status. When a new SR is created a workflow will pop it into 'In Progress' straight away. Another workflow will then evaluate if any activities are linked and if none, then will move it to 'Submitted'. This is the working status for SRs without activities.
What you are seeing is exactly expected behaviour. The Status 'In Progress' is reserved for SRs with activities and the workflow which pushes each activity themselves in turn into 'In Progress' is very reliant on this SR status. When a new SR is created a workflow will pop it into 'In Progress' straight away. Another workflow will then evaluate if any activities are linked and if none, then will move it to 'Submitted'. This is the working status for SRs without activities.
Could you also explain:
1. Does "Acknoledge" button is doing something else beside adding 'First response date'?
2. How to make the status "On hold" or "Pending - Customer". I try to use Action log notify but there is a problem to set notification only for Analyst (without notifying the Customer) - according to community.
But to "control" the SR without activities we have created a status field more. So then where is an updated from an email this field is changing status to "Updated by user". And then you can make all your status your self and control then from the console, without have to fire a script for it. It can also be populated on the portal - so more control