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Creating an advanced request offering Would like to set the assigned to field to be the Portal User.

Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
Creating an advanced request offering Would like to set the assigned to field to be the Portal User but the Assigned To field is not available in the property list of fields. Is the only option to create a runbook to do this. I am capturing the Portal User and storing in a text field but would like to use the Assigned To field instead.

Best Answer

  • Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓
    I ended up creating a runbook and pushing the created by user to the assigned to user, I am using a monitor object and flagging which records to do this on in the template and then changing the flag in the record after the update is made.


  • Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    ARO only allows you to map to the 'Affected Configuration Items' or the 'Related Configuration Items,' so it is not possible to assign the creator-of-the-ARO as the Assigned User directly. PowerShell seems the best route to me.
  • David_Morris1David_Morris1 Member Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Hi if you create a new SCSM workflow that triggers when an SR with Templateid = "the template you are using from the request offering" and make it run the following

    $SRclass = Get-SCSMClass system.workitem.servicerequest$
    $SR = Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRclass -Filter 'ID -eq $ID'
    $createdbyrel = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass system.workitemcreatedbyuser
    $assignedtorel = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass system.workitemassignedtouser
    $createdby = Get-SCSMRelatedObject -SMObject $SR -Relationship $createdbyrel
    New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $assignedtorel -Target $createdby -Source $sr -bulk

    where ID = workitem id in parameters

    this will assign the SR to the user that created the item 
  • Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓
    I ended up creating a runbook and pushing the created by user to the assigned to user, I am using a monitor object and flagging which records to do this on in the template and then changing the flag in the record after the update is made.
  • alex_kokinalex_kokin Member IT Monkey ✭

    @Lou_Guardia Hi Lou, I am a total Orchestrator novice. Any chance you can share the runbook that you created for this?

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