Trigger a notification email when ticket is assigned
Currently i use SCSM subscription to achieve send a notification to the end-user that there ticket has been assigned by modify the the exported MP and setting the first assigned date to null to not null and then importing it back into SCSM. Is there a Cireson way of doing it? I would have thought i could do this with Notify Analyse but i dont think so atm.
Best Answer
seth_coussens Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Notify analyst will notify the analysts on assignment, but now the end user as this is fairly rare to want to let the end user know of assignment. Generally, companies only want the user to know their ticket was created and they can track it from their at their desire. Usually, the thinking is to keep as few emails going out to the end user as possible.
While this may may not be the case at your company, this is why notify analyst doesn’t currently do that.
The method you chose or via orchestrator is currently considered best practice for what you want to accomplish.5
While this may may not be the case at your company, this is why notify analyst doesn’t currently do that.
The method you chose or via orchestrator is currently considered best practice for what you want to accomplish.
Hi everyone
Probably the topic is to old to get a feedback on this, but how did you changed the condition of the first assigned date to null?