Cireson in the Real World: Self-Service and Portal Customization with Baxter Credit Union
Join us for a firsthand look at how Baxter Credit Union customized the Cireson Self-Service and Analyst Portals for improved ITSM efficiency. Michael Aidinovich, Cireson Solutions Architect Manager, will be joined by Adam Dzyacky, Senior Cloud Operations Engineer from Baxter Credit Union, to showcase how their organization leverages the Cireson solutions. This webinar will highlight:
- When customization can benefit your organization
- Live tour of Baxter Credit Union’s customizations
- Benefits realized by Baxter Credit Union
- Examples of other Cireson customizations by Community members
- The benefits realized by Baxter by incorporating customizations
Whichever the case, I have both just give me a week or so to try to package them up. At the very least, I'll provide some guidance on how to quickly build for yourself.