Automate Actual StartDate/EndDate in Activities
I found ready workflows that can be usefull. We start using it so I can wrote how it looks, but in tests it looks good. Mayby you have experience with this?
Link to workflows:
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Yes - this absolutely works as advertised and addresses the need to automatically set these values.5
@Adam_dzacky does it works all well? I have problem with Skipped activities where it put end date same as start date. Ather this when try to save ticket SM Portal get an error that End date can't be earier. So need to search and change end dates.
Mayby you have solve this issue or change workflow that insert end date later than start date?
But setting the End Date to the Start Date in the portal? That doesn't sound like it's an issue with a workflow but with form validation possibly on the portal? Since I haven't seen that, are you sure the template and/or Request Offering isn't possibly setting these values to something "impossible" ?
I was able to replicate the error by delaying the time with the "time" command, which is why it was out of date. If the activity is completed in parallel, that is, one after the other without giving time, the error occurs.
Solution: synchronize the workstation to the local server time