how customize/transform Outlook console MSI for silent installation?
The problem that we have is, that we always need to manually type in our Management Server and check "when creating a work item from an email, attach the entire mail", after installation.
The biggest problem I have, is that some analysts forget to check "when creating a work item from an email, attach the entire mail", what generates a lot of work items without email as attachement, what can be really bad.
My question: Is there any way to customize the MSI installer file with Orca to automatically pre-set these 2 options?
I've already opened the MSI in Orca and there are a lot of porperties but no ones like Im looking for.
How do you silently install Outlook console app?
Thanks and best regards
I don't think you are going to be able to set that property to default as true by specifying it as a property in the MSI. It seems that the value is read from the registry under the key: HKCU\Software\Cireson\SCSM Outlook Addin; value: CreateFromEmailAttach
Perhaps you could add a login script to set this value?
I've been thinking a lot about this case, and I'm gonna try to build a SCCM-Deployment with a user AND a device deployment.
What I have in mind is to import that MSI as application but don't do any deployment on it.
Next I'm gonna create a User Deplyoment with a powershellscript which creates these two values:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cireson\SCSM Outlook Addin]
After that I will set the MSI application as dependent application, which will be installed automatically before.
I will let you know if my idea works or not. Maybe somebody else can use it in the future.
Many thanks for your help indeed!
Best regards