Cireson portal problem
I installed Cireson portal on my scsm server. I use domain autorisation. But users can`t create new incident or query. There is no"New" button. Cashebuilder logs looks normal, except this message:
mydomain\username Id: 5c1b02d1-929b-fcb2-de40-cbdc4dcfe423 is a user in the role with global access, and will be excluded from all scoped access.
Please help me.
Cashebuilder is see users and add them in enduser group
depending on the roles (and what version of the portal you use) - a user have no "new" button - the button is only available if the user is member of the analysts group. the analystgroup can be defined/set in admin page / Setting items / analystadgroup
users can create incidents or servicerequests through published serviceofferings / requestofferings - not by creating workitems directly
Hope this helps
Many thanks for your answer!
Plese tell me what kind AD group i must create for the portal? (i mean kb, analyst and asset) Global, universal, or domain local?
Because now the situation is strange. I just delete myself from all group (kb, analyst and asset). But still see New button and can publish the announcement to the portal.
I think a very good starting point is the following info:
@ your account
maybe this depends on the cachebuilder and the related cachebuilder settings for replication from the scsm database
I read the manual before installation, but don`t understand one thing. I have scsm server in 1-st server (SQL management base) and scsm storage in 2-nd server (SQL warehouse base) (micorsoft recomendation). The cireson portal work in this configuration?
And please tell me where portal get the setting for user rights? From scsm console or from portal administration section (administration settings -> work items)
Thank you.
There is an analyst group defined in the portal. This gives users that are a member of that group the +New button. But ultimately SCSM determines whether users can create or edit Work Items. A user has to be in a Security Role in SCSM that allows work item access.
If you removed yourself from the AD analyst group but still had the new button, it's possible you just needed to restart the cachebuilder service to see the changes reflected.