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Should we see Notify Analyst Logs for Review Activities? Cause we don't.

Raul_NoaRaul_Noa Customer IT Monkey ✭
I was asked to verify notifications were sent for a particular review activity, but I don't see any logs in the notify analyst logs for review activities. I see the workflow log for the notification in the SCSM console, but it does not tell me who the recipient was.

Best Answer


  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    I haven't looked myself for RAs, but if there is any chance here it's going to be checking the log file path on the workflow server as defined in the settings for Notify Analyst.
  • Raul_NoaRaul_Noa Customer IT Monkey ✭
    @Adam_Dzyacky - that is where I'm looking, in the notify analyst logs.
  • Raul_NoaRaul_Noa Customer IT Monkey ✭
    @Adam_Dzyacky - I checked the workflow logs and found the instance I was looking for. I can see the related item which is the review activity, but I cannot see who the notification was sent to. The RA had a different reviewer at the time and SCSM doesn't keep track of previous reviewers on an activity once they are removed, which is odd.
  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    The last workflow I can think of and it's probably a stretch given how you've described the shape of this particular RA and reviewers, is the Cireson Review Activity Reviewer Added Notification Workflow.

    This particular workflow only tracks when a reviewer is added to the RA. Given most people seem to template their RAs, the reviewer is probably already there on the outset thus negating this troubleshooting route. But still wanted to point out.

    Unless there is some hidden log on this particular topic, it's sounding more and more like Exchange searching.
  • Raul_NoaRaul_Noa Customer IT Monkey ✭
    I guess my question is for Cireson... is the Notify Analyst app supposed to log the Review Activity notifications? If not, why not? It logs when it notifies about MAs.
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