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Customizing the error page

Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
Is it possible to modify the following error page?

We would like to make it a little bit more informative to our users and analysts. Add a bit of text and a link to a knowledge article.

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  • Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Yes and No. I already voted on this over a year ago and while I would still want to to happen, I am looking at finding a solution to slightly change the text for now through customization.
    In our case, we want to prevent questions about permissions when the ticket is outside of their queues or when a user create a request on behalf.
  • Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Works great, thanks @Justin_Workman
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