Customizing the error page
We would like to make it a little bit more informative to our users and analysts. Add a bit of text and a link to a knowledge article.
Best Answer
Justin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Something like this in custom.js should work:$(document).ready(function () {setTimeout(function() {var newHeading = "Not Failed, but not succeeded either"var newError = "This is the new error text"var link = "<a href='/KnowledgeBase/View/8#/'>Check this out</a>"$('h1.error').text(newHeading);$('p.error').text(newError);$('.jumbotron').append(link);}, 1500)});6
In our case, we want to prevent questions about permissions when the ticket is outside of their queues or when a user create a request on behalf.