Adding a Work Item Comment Log Template (Service Request
I'd like to add a Notification Template to alert analysts if a user responds to an email for a Service Request. I have this functionality enabled for Incidents in the Action Log Notify area but can't seem to browse for a template for Service Requests. Has anyone done this before?
I think I may have found my problem. We do have a Template that targets the Trouble Ticket User Comment class and we've customized the email message for Incident Work Items.
Now that I want to create the same thing but for Service Requests, can I reused the Trouble Ticket User Comment class again for another template? My goal is to get alerted when a user replies to an email on a Service Request.
I was able to get things to work by using the correct class as you mentioned, Justin. If I targeted the Work Items class, things worked and Log Comments were sent.
I wanted to be able to do only send User Comments and not Analyst Comments but it appears that the Class does not have that capability.