Is there any detailed User Guide on how to configure Notify Analyst App to sent notifications out?
Best Answer
Gerhard_Goossens Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭You need to install the MP, close the console, open it again, go to Administration in the Wunderbar, go to settings, Cireson - Notify Analyst settings. Then select the template you want to use for the IR and SR notifications. If you have the paid version, you can also select the templates for Analyst and End-User comments.
Removed by M. Underwood - wrong place to post this.
Michelle_Underw: I believe you still need to add an OR for each sub-groups.
Mohamed_Abouissa - Thank you. I tried to delete this as soon as I realized there was an 'Ask a Question' button at the top of the page. I have posted a separate question on this so that others can find it later.