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Title updated via PowerShell doesn't update on the list view portal

Marcin_SzablowskiMarcin_Szablowski Customer IT Monkey ✭
Hello guys, 

We're using SMA Automation to update incident title. 
Unfortunately, changing the title doesn't update the list view on the portal. 

When I access the Incident the title looks fine (updated):

When I look at the list view or search for the Incident - it's not:

- While listing incident properties with Powershell both title and display name are updated.
- When I update Incident on the portal itself - it works fine. 

Do you have any ideas on how can I fix that? 


  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is your SMA automation also updating the record last modified time?
    The portal grid is based off what is stored in the Cireson cache. That cache updates via the cache builder where is updates the work item table every one minute. If you look in the db on the table lastmodified it uses that time so when the next sync runs it finds all work items that have a last modified time greater then the one in the lastmodified table.
    If the time is getting updated it could be just the timing of the workflow is slower then the builder.
  • Marcin_SzablowskiMarcin_Szablowski Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi Brian, 
    Thanks for your quick reply. I have added this to the script, but it's not resolving the issue.

    This is what I see on the portal: 

    Do you have any other ideas? 

  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    When the last modified is written to the database, what is the last modified for the WorkItem row in the lastmodified table.
    Also I have run into issues where PS is writing the value in local time where the time that is stored in the DB is UTC. The cache builder runs off UTC. Key is to have your lastmodified time greater then one minute of your cache builder.
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